Sunday 29 June 2008

The Glastonbury Set

Amy Winehouse's set from Glastonbury in full is:

1. Addicted
2. Tears Dry On Their Own
3. Back To Black
4. Love Is A Losing Game
5. Hey Little Rich Girl
6. A Message To You Rudy
7. You Know I'm No Good
8. Me & Mr Jones
9. Rehab

If you look in the right places it is available for download. I would never encourage people to use torrent sites, that might be illegal.

Do you reckon if you closely enough you can hear someone being cracked by a right hander?

Amy Winehouse hits fan

Let's be honest, Glastonbury has been a big let down this year. It is the first year that I can remember that has not sold out. That might be down to the choice of Jay Z as headliner, it might not.

At least this years talking point will be Amy banjo'ing a fan, allegedly. The video of the incident is on the BBC . Amy Winehouse might look like she could not fight her way out of a wet paper bag, but if we are going to be objective about it on the evidence she looks like she has some moves in her repetoire.

The elbow she leads with is straight out out the pages of a Krav Maga text book. It definately shows good technique, was well delievered. She evens keeps a good distance between her and her fellow 'fighter', good fight technique.

Ok, the whole incident is not as memorable or as violent as Eric Cantona when he twatted that arse in the crowd but it probably on a par with it for entertainment value. Cantona's kicking that idiot is probably the only thing that most people remember about that season's football. It was a truely iconic moment.

His comment about the seagulls following the trawlers for the sardines being thrown is especially true about the press and Amy Winehouse. Maybe if we are lucky Amy Winehouse will banjo a couple of tabloid journalists.

You go on holiday and ....

I am just back from my holidays, I have not had a chance to maintain this blog.

Its not like Amy Winehouse has been up to much.

She has not gone to Russia and pissed off some rich bloke by giving a half arsed concert performance, or appeared in a dodgy video in the News of the World, or collapsed and been admitted to hospital....

Well I guess a quiet life would be boring.

Friday 6 June 2008

The man who signed Amy raises his concerns.

Nick Godwyn the man who originally signed Amy Winehouse when she 16 to Simon Fuller's 19 Management has voiced his concerns regarding her welfare. His main concern is not her career but her welfare itself. His argument being that her well being is more important than her music or long term career success.

He is quoted in The Sun as saying:

"People talk about wasted talent, but I don't look at it like that. If Amy
never made another record again it would be sad, but it's less about the music
for me and more about 'this is a human being that maybe isn't very happy."

It is good to see someone talking some sense. The music industry is full of sycophants and parasites who don’t give two hoots about 'the talent'. It is good to see someone actually think of a singer as more than a commodity. Same time, it is another interview in The Sun, a paper that continually looks for cheap sensationalist headlines.

Amy at Fielder-Civil's court hearing

Amy Winehouse was again at court to support her husband Blake Fielder-Civil today.

Today was the third day of pre-trial legal argument at Snaresbrook Crown Court. The case is expected to open next week for real in front of a jury.

According to certain press reports Amy was flirting with her husband during proceedings. It is also claimed that she audibly whispered that the whole court case was "like Disneyland!"

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Rihanna wants to form trio with Winehouse and Duffy

Apparently Rihanna of umbrella fame wants to record what she has termed a "feminist anthem" with Amy Winehouse and Duffy for her next album. Just to add to this mix she wants Mark Ronson to produce it.

Rihanna is quoted in the interview as saying
"I love Amy. I think she's great, so unique. I love her album. And I also love what Duffy is doing, she's brilliant as well."

It would definitely make for an interesting combination.

Husband in court

According to various online news agencies "Amy Winehouse gave her jailed husband loving glances when he appeared in an east London court on charges of assault and conspiracy to obstruct justice."

The story goes on to say that she sat in the front row during Blake Fielder-Civil's court appearance on Monday. She apparently smiled at him repeatedly and patted the empty seat next to her. She then mouthed the words, "Come and sit here next to me."
The various agencies also go on to say that she passed a handwritten note to a court official to deliver to Fielder-Civil. Mysteriously, no one could see what she had written.

On leaving the court she told the people outside that Blake Fielder-Civil looked gorgeous.

It's never easy when someone close to you is in court, especially when the threat of losing their freedom looms over them. having to go through this in the public eye, having every action you make deconstructed in print is unimaginable to most people.

Winehouse clones

There is a great deal made about the 'Amy Winehouse' clones.

I have nothing against these so called clones, I actually think that Duffy is a Dusty Springfield impersonator. I do have a problems with the lazy folk at the records companies who I think should do a bit more work in order to discover new talent and not just look for an imitator.

A quote I enjoyed though described Gabrielle Climi as "Amy Winehouse on ovaltine".

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with this, just found it amusing.

Monday 2 June 2008

It's official - Amy to play at the Mandela Celebration

Its been announced on the official site that Amy has been added to the line up for the Nelson Mandela birthday concert. The concert, to mark Nelson Mandela's 90th birthday, is in Hyde Park on June 27th.

With her passion for covers by The Specials what would be the chance of her joining Jerry Dammers and the rest of the Special AKA in a version of Free Nelson Mandela?

More details are available on the site.

Lisbon Concert

It was good to see Amy doing her first concert in what seems like forever. She appeared in front of a sell out 90,000 people at the Rock in Rio festival in Lisbon yesterday. Not an easy choice for your first gig back.

In true Amy Winehouse style she was late on stage, depending on which paper you read she might have been up to an hour late. Also depending on which paper you read she may have 'appeared distracted and had visible cuts on her arm and a bandage on her hand'.

It all depends on who you read or listen to but the crowd initially annoyed about her lateness gave her a fantastic welcome when she came on. She had the good grace to apologise for her lateness.

The set list included all the favourites, some classic covers including her Special covers.
It is good to see Amy Winehouse back performing again. To start performing at an outdoor festival in front of 90,000 people takes some guts.

Monday 19 May 2008

Amy - Who are you?

Amy Winehouse fascinates me for many different reasons.

To say that is talented is a bit of an understatement.

I see the stories in the media (practically every day at the moment) and wonder what is the truth.

Who is she really? What is the real Amy like?

Do these questions have any meaning? Is asking such questions misleading or just a mistake?

Is Amy really that different?

Do any of these questions matter or should we just sit back and enjoy the music?