Sunday 29 June 2008

Amy Winehouse hits fan

Let's be honest, Glastonbury has been a big let down this year. It is the first year that I can remember that has not sold out. That might be down to the choice of Jay Z as headliner, it might not.

At least this years talking point will be Amy banjo'ing a fan, allegedly. The video of the incident is on the BBC . Amy Winehouse might look like she could not fight her way out of a wet paper bag, but if we are going to be objective about it on the evidence she looks like she has some moves in her repetoire.

The elbow she leads with is straight out out the pages of a Krav Maga text book. It definately shows good technique, was well delievered. She evens keeps a good distance between her and her fellow 'fighter', good fight technique.

Ok, the whole incident is not as memorable or as violent as Eric Cantona when he twatted that arse in the crowd but it probably on a par with it for entertainment value. Cantona's kicking that idiot is probably the only thing that most people remember about that season's football. It was a truely iconic moment.

His comment about the seagulls following the trawlers for the sardines being thrown is especially true about the press and Amy Winehouse. Maybe if we are lucky Amy Winehouse will banjo a couple of tabloid journalists.

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